a. I really liked using the forms: critical evaluation of a web site elementary school level form and also the www cyberguide ratings for content evaluation. The reason I liked using these forms is because they were very simple and to the point and I could mark the evaluations very easily by my observations of the websites.
b. There were not any hidden secrets about these sites that the evaluations showed to me. However, there is a lot of material that I think should be added according to the forms of evaluating that many of these websites do not contain. These websites are not as valid to me because they do not contain all the information that is applicable to these sites.
c. There is much value in using a website evaluation form because it helps you to know how useful, relevant, and applicable the information provided is for you as a teacher. It helps you to know if that site is really worth the time or not. It helps you to understand what is important to include in each particular website for the information to be certain and valid to you as an educator and/or individual.
d. Yes, there are times when I would not use a formal evaluation because of previous information I had acquired of the site previously. If I knew that it was a valid site from a valid person/s and/ or company then I would not worry so much about evaluating the content available on the site. I think that the evaluating forms are very useful and beneficial but do not always need to be used to make sure the site is relevant, valid material.