Monday, March 30, 2009


Today in class we learned a lot about WebQuest through research of our own and also through the presentations of others. WebQuest and Quest Garden are very useful websites to be able to find helpful lesson ideas and to  be  able to incorporate a variety of subjects into my lesson plan. 

As a teacher, this is a very useful tool to help in creating more effective lesson plans. I really want to use these sites as a teacher to teach my students in a variety of ways. Also, I think that it would be good to have my students use these websites to work in groups to learn more about different subjects. This will not only help them to learn good group work but also the importance of  taking responsibility for the material they acquire for their group with very easy access.

Although our group did not have the most positive experience, I think that it can be a positive experience as long as the teacher views the specific sites to make sure they are reliable for the students to use. A lot of our links were faulty and did not go through to the site which made a huge difference in making our experience not as positive.

I think that if teachers in my practicum (... and in general) used these lesson plans in their classrooms that the students would really enjoy these lessons and they would appreciate the different ways in which they could learn important information.

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